Fast Track Advanced Diploma in Software Technologies (FTAD in UI)

DGX Learning



What is UI?

The “UI” in UI design stands for user interface.The user interface is the graphical layout of an application. The UI includes screen layout, transitions, interface animations and every single micro-interaction.This job falls to UI designers.

Why Go for UI Training in Pune at DGX?

DGX is a prominent institute in UI design training in Pune. DGX’s not only introduce you to the concept superficially but also instead prep you by giving in-depth knowledge of research, tools and strategies. With our distinct UI training we lay the building blocks of expertise, skills and knowledge for you to create a user experience smooth as Butter.
The Fast Track Advanced Diploma Program in User Interface (UI) offers:
If you’re looking for the best UI design classroom training, DGX will be the perfect solution for all your learning needs.

Course Content

Course Duration

(4 Hrs. / Day => 5 Months) (2 Hrs. / Day => 7 Months)

Course Eligibility

Any Graduate / Masters / Diploma

Course Overview

Module 1

  • Fundamentals of Programming
  • Exploring C
  • Data Types
  • Managing Input and Output
  • Operators
  • Control Statement
  • Decision making and Looping
  • Problems on Numbers
  • Problems on Pattern Printing
  • Problems on Digits
  • Function
  • Storage Class
  • Array
  • String
  • Structure And Union
  • Pointer
  • Dynamic Memory Allocation
  • File Handling
  • Basics of C++
  • Introduction of C++
  • Character Set,token
  • Variable rules ,Data Types
  • ControlStatement in C++
  • Looping in C++
  • Input and Output
  • Function in C++
  • Array in C++
  • String and their Functions
  • Structure and Union
  • Pointer in C++
  • Class in C++
  • Constructor and Destructor
  • Inheritance
  • Polymorphism
  • File Handling in C++
  • Exception Handling in C++
  • Template
  • Introduction to SQL
  • Normalization
  • Introduction to Databases and RDMBS
  • Install a Database Engine
  • SQL Data Types
  • SQL Operators
  • SQL Commands
    1. Data Definition Language
    2. Data Manipulation Language
    3. Data Control Language
    4. Data Transaction Control Language
    5. Data Query Language (SELECT Statement With CLAUSES)
  • SQL Functions
  • Sub Queries
  • SQL Joins

Module 2

  • Web Programming Introduction
  • HTML-Introduction
  • HTML-Basic Formatting Tags
  • HTML-Grouping Using Div Span
  • HTML-Lists
  • HTML-Images
  • HTML-Hyperlink
  • HTML-Table
  • HTML-Iframe
  • HTML-Form
  • HTML-Headers
  • HTML-Miscellaneous
  • CSS-Introduction
  • CSS-Syntax
  • CSS-Selectors
  • CSS-Color Background Cursor
  • CSS-Text Fonts
  • CSS-Lists Tables
  • CSS-Box Model
  • CSS-Display Positioning
  • CSS Floats
  • Introduction
  • Language Syntax
  • Built In Functions
  • HTML Forms
  • Cookies
  • Working with Objects and Classes
  • Introduction to Bootstrap
  • Bootstrap Grid
  • Bootstrap Components
  • Bootstrap Plug-Ins
  • Angular 8 – Introduction
  • Angular 8 — Installation
  • Creating First Application
  • Angular 8 — Architecture
  • Angular Components and Templates
  • Data Binding
  • Directives
  • Pipes
  • Reactive Programming
  • Services and Dependency Injection
  • Http Client Programming
  • Angular Material
  • Routing and Navigation
  • Animations
  • Forms
  • Form Validation
  • Authentication and Authorization
  • Web Workers
  • Service Workers and PWA
  • Server Side Rendering
  • Internationalization (i18n)
  • Accessibility
  • CLI Commands
  • Testing
  • Ivy Compiler
  • Building with Bazel
  • Backward Compatibility
  • Working Example

Module 3

  • Quantitative Aptitude
  • Reasoning
  • Importance of Communication Skills in Profession
  • Group Discussions-Techniques Dos, Don’ts
  • Interviews- Techniques, Dos, Don’ts, FAQs
  • Mock GD’s & interviews
  • Presentation Skills
  • Resume Writing



5 Months / 7 Months


Any Graduate / Masters / Diploma
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